Put Your Videos in Writing

I hate internet videos and most of my friends hate them too. A certain search engine constantly annoys me. I find a headline that looks interesting only to find that it’s not an article. It’s a video with a 30 second ad followed by a badly produced clip that was a waste of time. You … Read more

Why Your Blog Should Include “Evergreen” Content

One of my daily tasks as a blogger involves going through the analytics and visitor traffic reports I receive. While my “newsiest” topics are invariably the ones that claim the top spot on any given day, the posts that draw a much more reliable stream of readers over time are perennial subjects that have a … Read more

What Should Your Business Blog About?

Online, the old adage that “anything goes” may be true, but on your business blog, you need to think about your posting strategy before you write a blog post. What should you write about? Well, it depends on your business. These tips should serve as a guide to help you get started. 1. The Industry … Read more

Is Quality Important in Blogs?

Check out a few blogs online — even A-list blogs or blogs published by major news outlets — and you’ll quickly start to notice something: No one seems to be editing this stuff. They’re riddled with grammatical errors, typos, dead links, and more. Why is this? The quick answer is that, yeah, no one is … Read more

3 Reasons to Consider Remote Workers

In 2011, IBM’s work-at-home program saved about 6.4 million gallons of fuel and over 50,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions. A Stanford study found work-at-home employees were 13 percent more productive than working in-house. Marissa Mayer’s recent decision to end work-from-home arrangements came under a lot of scrutiny as it implied a negative connotation to … Read more

Is Video Content Really As Important As Everybody Says?

Businesses get more business when they blog. We’ve already established that. But more and more, video content’s been being trotted out as the next big thing in customer communications. Is video really as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be? Rather than relying on clichés like “Pictures are worth a thousand words,” … Read more

The Problem with “Corporate Blogs”

I’m constantly thinking about how we can help improve the state of corporate blogging in the world, and it’s a tough challenge. I think the main problem is the word corporate. Much as a “corporate suit” doesn’t inspire confidence and a “corporate office park” doesn’t make you want to hang out for the day, a … Read more