3 Ways to Humanize Your Brand Online


Dale Carnegie said it best: “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” Attracting new customers and retaining existing ones requires more than simply pushing out marketing messages and waiting for results. Consumers are … Read more

How to Use Hashtags to Boost Your Search Rankings

You’ve seen them on Twitter and maybe even Facebook — they’re denoted by the pound sign, immediately followed by a term. Hashtags are tools used by Twitter users to ensure tweets are grouped with other tweets on the same subject. A tweet about issues relating to small business, for instance, might be followed by #smallbusiness. … Read more

Are You a Social Media Bore?

Business owners have repeatedly heard about the importance of social media marketing. As anyone with a social media account has likely learned, however, some people appear to have misunderstood the message. Yes, social media marketing is important but, as with any other marketing campaign, it’s possible to overdo it and scare people off. Consumers have … Read more

Is it Time to Plan a Giveaway?

It’s a story that has become social media legend. When Kraft was preparing to release its revolutionary water enhancement product, the company chose traditional television advertising but combined it with a new way of marketing: social media. Using Facebook, the company offered free samples of its product, Mio, to the first 100,000 Facebookers who “liked” … Read more

Plan Your Social Media Strategy in Advance with a Content Calendar

Some businesses seem to always be at the top of their social media game. Just when you might forget the company has a new product or service, a social media post is there to remind you. That business must have someone seated in front of a computer, waiting to post at the perfect time of … Read more

Put Your Videos in Writing

I hate internet videos and most of my friends hate them too. A certain search engine constantly annoys me. I find a headline that looks interesting only to find that it’s not an article. It’s a video with a 30 second ad followed by a badly produced clip that was a waste of time. You … Read more

Tips to Improve Your YouTube Channel

When business owners think about social media marketing, they often focus on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. But many forget that YouTube is a strong marketing avenue too, providing potential for improving search engine placement and reaching new customers. Active YouTube members know that establishing a presence on the site centers on creating a YouTube channel. … Read more

Is Tumblr the Social Media Site for Your Message?

Social media marketing efforts are often concentrated on the major social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all show up prominently in marketing strategies, since they land at the top of most “top social media sites” lists. But several other sites are emerging as popular with select demographics, making them ideal for businesses that are … Read more

Why You Should Use Google+ and Authorship on Your Company Blog

If you’ve done a Google search lately, you’ve likely seen some little pictures of authors next to certain results in the search engine results. Called “authorship,” it’s part of the Google+ project, and it’s no longer only being used by early adopters online. The transition from Google Places to Google+ business pages marked the beginning … Read more